Media Advertising Collections
RSD provides commercial debt collection services for the media advertising industry and is knowledgeable on the struggles these companies face.
As a media collection agency, it’s vital to the success of each collection campaign that we employ the type of collection specialists who understand the intricacies of collecting media accounts receivable. Our collection staff is made up of highly experienced collection professionals who have, over the course of many years, proven themselves to be experts in media collections.
Recover Media Advertising Debt
If you're experiencing difficulty getting invoices paid on time by advertisers, we have the experience and know-how to track down late payments for you in a respectful and effective way. Your job is to deliver news and entertainment to the public; our job is to make sure you get paid.
Certified Debt Collection Services
Ross, Stuart & Dawson can collect your media claims and provide your business with unbeatable results without compromising your customer relationships. As a media collection agency, we stand ready to serve the collection needs of your business and to enhance your bottom line.
Looking to get past-due invoices cleared? Place a claim with us today!