Collection in the Media Industry

Do you work for a television station, radio station or newspaper?
Are debtors interfering with your daily activities?
Writing off debt often?
For many companies, advertising is crucial to making a profit. Understanding and engaging in the media industry allows them to get their message to the right audience. At RSD, we know your job depends on timely payments from these advertisers. When they don’t pay, it can stall progress in your fast-paced industry.
Here’s how credit collection agencies can help:
Communicate with unhappy debtors ‒ Sometimes poor advertising created by your debtor doesn’t perform as well as they hoped and they’ll blame you, the media company, then leverage their unhappiness as a reason not to pay. We can communicate and negotiate with these debtors to collect as quickly as possible, so you can get back to producing and delivering content to your audience. We communicate with a professional yet kind approach that won’t compromise your relationship with the debtor and can decrease their chance of switching media companies.
Decrease write offs ‒ Many debts in the media field are unsecured debts, so the debtor may think there are no consequences for non-payment. Rather than use precious time to chase down debtors, it’s common for media companies to write off debt and move on. RSD can take on your debtors while you work to put well deserved money in your bank account.
Manage credit risk ‒ Our staff understands the intricacies of media industry debt collection and knows how your industry operates. With this knowledge, we can inspect your business and find areas to strengthen your credit risk management system. A strong credit risk management system can minimize risk, expand sales safely, and increase the profitability of each of your clients.
Investigate clients ‒ Before determining an advertiser’s credit trustworthiness based on financial numbers alone, investigate with RSD. We work with several investigative resources that can provide background checks, asset searches, and bank account verifications that can tell the true story of the client’s credit history.
Credit Collection Services
Want to clear your overdue accounts?
At Ross, Stuart & Dawson, we work with you to not only to get you the money you deserve, but to improve your business. We strive to increase your cash flow, minimize the risk of selling on credit, and support your long-term growth.
We turn past promises into present payments! To benefit from our credit collection services, call RSD today at 888-701-8181 or contact us to discuss your company’s unique needs.